Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Quick Laundry Before Work

The best part about being full time at night where I'm at is that I have consistent nights off. The challenge comes is in transitioning back to nights. It would be easier to just be a night owl all seven days of the week, but what's the fun in that? ;)

Right now, I'm thinking about what I'm going to do for lunch (1 or 2 am depending). I'm also going to have to do some more laundry in the morning as well as pay some bills. Money talks, and mine keeps saying goodbye as of late. One thing's for sure; after doing a massive ton of laundry tomorrow, I'm gonna have to do some negotiating with my friends. After all, doing laundry at a friend's place is much cheaper than going to the laundry mat all the time.

I'm also going to have to be more frugal too. After all, how am I suppose to build wealth if I'm spending money all the time? I have plenty of ramen and chicken vienna sausages. All I really need is a few other things, and I'll be set. I might also resort to selling a few things as well. After all, spring is sneaking up on us. Why not get some cleaning done?

I better get going. The caffeine I've consumed is not enough. I need some more. Good night, world.

Weekend's Over Wednesday: Well Wishes to HeliOS

The toughest part about working the graveyard shift anywhere is the transition in sleep patterns from the weekend to the work week.  My work week starts Wednesday night and ends on Monday morning.  Monday and Tuesday nights are my nights off.  When I'm off, I tend to enjoy as much of the day as possible.  That means staying up as long as possible on Monday and sleeping that night so I can enjoy Tuesday as much as possible.  Then I get to sleep most of Wednesday away.  It's a vicious cycle, but it pays the bills.

The industry I work in at the moment: retail.  So I get to interact with a number of people throughout the night and into the morning.  At least I get paid this Thursday, so it can't be all bad.  Luckily, I'm getting a bonus on top of what I normally make, so the extra bit of money will help.

Before I go back to bed for a while longer, I would like to give my well wishes to Ken Starks.  He has been a tireless proponent of free and open source software.  His charity has given away computers to kids whose parents could not afford them otherwise.  He is currently down, but knowing him, not out.  May you have a speedy recovery.  Talk to you later, world.  :)