Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Day to Myself

I slept for some time on a day that I normally end my nights off.  This week, I'm on a mini-vacation.  That means I'll have tomorrow night off as well.

For many reasons, I needed it.

Sometimes, 48 hours isn't enough free time to fully recharge the batteries so to speak.  I started taking the additional supplements.  I also took a bit of a walk with music blaring in my ears.

Getting out of the apartment was something I badly needed.

I briefly returned for some lunch and then drove to Central Pawn to look at the various products they had available.  The next stop was Hastings, where I purchased both parts of The Dark Knight Returns.

I then went to Country Kitchen to enjoy a dish of beef and eggs with a salad custom built from their salad bar.  Now I'm back at the apartment watching both parts of The Dark Knight Returns.  So far, I'm impressed.

Time to call it a night.  Take care, everybody.