Friday, January 11, 2013

Nothing Much to Say.

I've been at a loss for words at times.  That's part of the reason why I have trouble writing something each and every day.  I spend all that time thinking and when I feel I want to say something or that I should say something, nothing comes out.

It goes beyond writer's blocks.  After all, it could be a Facebook or Google+ status update that I'm trying to do and my mind draws a blank.  It's like all the pieces of information haven't been gathered together and organized appropriately in order to pull off something magnificent.

Except I'm not trying to write a novel.  I just want to do a blog entry.

I really don't have much to say today.  Work was work as usual.  I had a late start, so I couldn't pack my normal veggies for lunch.  I was still able to enjoy what food I did have though.

Speaking of food, I bought a bag of sweet peppers and some cut up portabella mushrooms (among more of the usual low carb stuff).  My change in eating habits has been having an effect on me.  I've had to adjust my belt to be slightly tighter as of late.

I might be able to speed the process up if I manage to increase the use of the 10 pound dumb bell this Sunday.  Right now, I'm working the biceps and triceps at 30 reps.  The plan is to up it to 31.  After five days of doing that (not straight.... I leave a day in between), I'll up it to 33.

Once I hit 50 and can do that consistently, I'll double the weight.

I've also been 20 pushups off the wall.  This Sunday, I'll do 21.  A week from this Wednesday, I'll do 23.

The pattern for upping reps will occur every sixth day.  So on the sixth day, I'll up it by one.  On the twelfth day, I'll up it by two.  On the eighteenth day, by three.  On the 24th day, by four.

For the dumb bell, I'll increase the weight when I can consistently do 50 reps without feeling too much strain.  As for off the wall pushups, I'll simply keep doing them.  I eventually want to be able to do the pyramid style; this is where I would start at ten pounds with a high number of reps, go to 20 lbs at half the reps, 30 lbs at half the reps of 20 lbs, go back to 20 lbs, then back to ten.

When I did that oh so long ago, my muscles could feel it.  It was well worth it.  Now that I'm back on the train, I'll work my way back to that point.  When warmer weather (that's consistent) arrives, I'll be doing more walking as well.

What do you know?  I really didn't have much to say, now did I?