Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Another Exercise Upgrade and More!

This morning, I switched over the 40 reps using the 10 lbs dumb bell.  My arms definitely felt it.  The 30 push ups off the wall had to be split 20/10 (20 the first set, 10 the second).  A week from this Friday, I increase everything by five.

I'll be over 50 reps with the dumb bell before the end of the month.

Yesterday, I posted an entry that entailed an important life decision.  I also did something else that I forgot to mention.  The website now has a podcast.  Episode zero was a test, and everything seemed to work out.

Wait until Episode One next Monday.  It's only going to get better from here.

Animation Expression Society

The campus organization has been doing well.  The last two weeks had informative sessions regarding cosplay.  This week, we went over wigs (hint: regular shampoo and conditioner are not a good idea), where they can be obtained, and how to alter and maintain them.

Another Health Investment

I invested in a couple of new products as of late.  Besides natural water pills, I'm going to be taking some Milk Thistle and a Fish/Flaxseed/Borage Oil combination.  I'll give them a try tomorrow to see what happens.

Speaking of which, I may go for an extended walk tomorrow.  Later everybody.