Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Three Day Work Week.

I spent the day doing some laundry and taking care of a couple of bills.  I'll take care of some more in the morning.  I did some more window shopping and had some lunch at Nathan's Bar and Grill.

They were willing to accommodate my needs since I'm on a low carb diet at the moment.  I had some grilled chicken (sautéed mushrooms and cheese topped it) along with a side salad (sans croûtons and onions) and some steamed broccoli.

The food was excellent.

I then did some more window shopping before cruising around for a while.  It was mostly another day to myself, but there is some news on other fronts.

A couple of people I know had an official wedding ceremony today.  The couple in question is of the happy variety, so hopefully things will work out wonderfully.  I also made sure that my dad got his birthday card during a phone call I made this morning.

It looks like he'll be coming up.  It's a good thing I have some more time off this March.

May tomorrow be more eventful than it was today.