Saturday, March 2, 2013

Only a Matter of Days

This will be short and sweet seeing as how I need to be at work in less than an hour.

I feel myself getting stronger with each passing day.  The exercise routine appears to be working.  This Wednesday, I'll be up to 50 reps with the dumb bell, and two sets of 17 off the wall push ups.

Since the snow should be going away for the most part, I may get my wish of walking to work soon.  Once I can walk on a more regular basis, I'll lose even more of that jiggly stuff that likes to hang off of me at the moment.

This puffed marshmallow is shrinking and shrinking so to speak.  ;)

For the last couple of nights, work has flown by really fast.  Part of it was due to it being busy.  The other part is due to my birthday coming up in a matter of days.  My time as a 20 something is coming to a close.

On March 9, 2013, I will be 30 years old.

My dad plans on coming up to visit, and he plans on bringing something big with him (big enough that it requires a truck).  That day is going to be a landmark for me.

It's a sign of things to come, for everything is going to start falling into place.

I took another break from Vimeo, but that's ok.  I needed the sleep, and I got plenty of it.  While sleeping, I had some of this playing in the background.  That particular site has changed in the last few years, and it's looking pretty good.

I've also been doing some more spiritual research on my part.

In other words, I'm working on body, mind, and spirit.  :)

For now, I shall go shower and get ready for work.  After tonight, I'll have to do a small load of laundry (and more spiritual research while clothes are washing and drying).