Friday, June 1, 2012

Never Thought I'd Feel This Way

I feel the title of this post is quite adequate.  I mean, it's not like I knock back a few cold ones often after work.  After all, it's a bit of a challenge to do when working at night into the morning.  Then again, quite a few things went wrong that night.

  • I was allowed to do a learning module at my place of work when I should have been allowed to do it that morning when it was slow instead of last night when I could have gotten some crucial things done that needed to be done.
  • Two overnight cashiers being pulled to different departments leaving just three of us up front until after my lunch.... After my lunch, and another person's got done, it was just two of us up front.  Why?  Our glorious leader had to do a learning module or they would have been late.  The questions stumped them, and it took a support manager's assistance for them to pass.  That left two of us up front until well after 5 AM.
  • A certain somebody decides not to come back from lunch so they can go to A-Kon down in Texas.  While I don't know the full story behind that, if I would have been asked to zone (or to organize and tidy up) the area they were working in, I would have been quite close to telling the supervisors in question where they could shove it.  Again, I don't know the full story, but suffice it to say, I managed to stay awake long enough for a ride down to Dallas for the anime convention in question.  Suffice it to say I'm glad I didn't go this year.
  • Three "ladies" decide to use their EBT/SNAP benefits to go on a three cart grocery shopping spree, and promptly take their stuff to the register that's also the tobacco lane.  It was meant for only 20 items or less, and while there are occasions at night into the morning that exceptions are made, they were really pushing it.  I had to lure other customers who would have had to wait to a register on the other side of the store while watching self check at the same time.  Wanna talk about inconsiderate?  Let's talk about this for a moment.  Those three should have waited until 8 AM when more registers would have been opened, but noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!  They thought they could beat the crowds by being there that early.  Instead, they royally screwed over the customers and the staff where I work.  Thanks "ladies."  I really appreciate it.
So here I sit about to go to bed while getting this off my chest.  I can definitely see why people are fleeing retail like there's no tomorrow.  I mean, why work in an industry where corporate expects you to do 9,000 things at once while questioning why you weren't there for that one customer.  Here's a hint, idiots!  Why not let the people assigned to certain areas complete all the tasks for said areas instead of "borrowing" (i.e. stealing) them for other things.  That way, you can have more at once and will get the same amount of work done all across the board.  Oh wait!  That would make too much sense.  After all, pi$$ on the peons who are trying to get their work done.  No.  Go ahead and screw them and wonder why you keep losing people dip$hits!  But then again, you all wouldn't have to care, would you?  I've gotten to the point where I really can't trust anyone who happens to be a leader of any sort, not even the nice ones.

That's also why I wouldn't be surprised if you were the ones screwing over a friend of mine so he can't get a better job and escape your madness.  What?  Petty of me?  No, that would be most of you being quite petty.  After all, how dare that one worker stand up for their own spouse when they were being harassed by a male who acts like a good person and a joker when all they had done as of late was throw others under the bus.  I know the real reason why members of management have been leaving where I'm working for other areas.  They don't want to be held responsible.  I recognize that every member of management is responsible for the mess that the workplace in question is in right now.  At least one of them had the good sense to walk away from something that was dumped on them.  I'm not saying that person wasn't the leadership type.  It's kind of hard to be a leader when you're outnumbered by those who won't let you.  I would know.  I've been in a similar situation.
This isn't to say that things won't get better.  However, this is starting to really irritate me.  I have three more nights to go before I get 48 hours of reprieve (with me working graveyard, it hardly feels like two days though it technically is two days).  I'm just glad I've got holiday pay on this check and a bonus two weeks from that.  That is... if somebody doesn't find an excuse to get rid of me.  We shall see.  I'm starting to form an exit strategy for where I'm currently at.  Needless to say, I'm getting burned out on retail.