Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weekend's Over Wendesday: Inner Thoughts.

So tonight, I'm going back to work.  The bad part about working the graveyard shift is that one doesn't see a lot of sunlight.  The good news is that a lot of interesting people come out at night.  They often do things that make me think about myself.

Shopping Habits

Sometimes I get ideas about what groceries to buy as a customer comes through my line.  Some of the things they come up with are very interesting.  Even if I don't buy something myself, I at least consider it after the fact.

Life Stories

I always like hearing life stories about people.  It can include things such as how they met their significant other to how they arrived at their current position in life.  It causes me to pause and reflect on my own life.  It's often been said that one should know where they've been so they know where they're going.

Where I've Been

Through all the interesting experiences and all the crazy people I've met over the years, I've learned much about myself.  I can feel the energy of other people; their hopes, their dreams, their pleasure, their pain are things that I can feel on an emotional level.  I have empathy for others, yet I can be truly selfish at times.

I'm this paradox, but one that isn't truly harmful to others.  I can understand multiple points of view while holding my own.  I'm very complex on the inside, and that's ok.

My mind isn't as fast as others, but I make up for it by constantly thinking.  I've taken steps in my life that may appear to be small, but to me is a big deal.  After all, I hadn't done them before.

  • I was the head of a student organization.  I wasn't as effective of a leader as I could have been, but the fact of the matter is that I cared enough to make an attempt.
  • I ran for political office twice.  I didn't win this time, but I had a good showing.
  • I graduated college.  While the degree may not reflect my career choice, I proved to myself and others that I could finish what I start.
 Those are just a few of the things that I have accomplished in my life.  I've also experienced firsts over the past few years.  Such experiences have helped me grow in life.

Where I'm Going

Ever get the feeling that something interesting is on the horizon and that it's a good idea to prepare for it?  We live in interesting times.  Subtle signs of possible things to come include others around me getting into relationships almost all at once, training a new co-worker (let's hope we get to keep him... he seems like a decent person and a hard worker), and friends of mine managing to write 50,000 words in a month.

I know where I've been.  I know where I want to go.  I just need the motivation to do it.  If I can become motivated enough to move to a much better living space than before, I can turn my passions and hobbies into a living.  I want to be able to spend the whole day goofing off, having fun, and getting paid while doing it.

For now though, the bills have to be paid.  Food needs to find its way into my stomach.  A roof needs to remain over my head.  With that, I shall grab something to eat, and head back to bed.  After all, my weekend has come to an end.