Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Slow Climb Begins.

We progressed through our routine tasks at work faster than anticipated.  I even ran celebration merchandise before lunch.  After lunch, I moved some ice from one machine that makes it to another that doesn't.  One of the added tasks involved pulling impulse merchandise off the shelf so each shelf could be cleaned.

Needless to say, we'll have plenty to do Monday morning.

When I got out of work, I noticed the following on the ground:

I took the photo in my car from my Galaxy S2.  What little snow fell on the ground had frozen.  Not only did I take my sweet time getting to my car, I chose not to rush out of the parking lot as well.

I suffered one broken limb a few years ago.  I don't intend to have anymore for the rest of my life.

Exercise Upgrade Complete

I added a measly one repetition to my workout routine.  That's 31 with the 10 lbs dumb bell for the biceps and triceps.  For pushups off the wall, 21.  A week from this Wednesday, I'll be adding two more.

If I've learned anything in life, it's that one shouldn't hurry too much.

So I'm making my way up that hill slowly but surely.  I'm no Hare, Road Runner, or Sonic the Hedgehog, but I'll get there all the same.  All in due time.

Return of a Weekly Ritual

Tonight's my Friday.  I have Monday and Tuesday nights off.  For quite some time, I wouldn't have much to do on either day unless it was the third Tuesday of the month.  I might have a reason to be really excited for the weekend this time.

The campus anime club has moved their meetings to Tuesday nights.  So I might be visiting campus once a week.  When the weather becomes consistently nice, I'll definitely be walking.

The extra exercise couldn't hurt, and it would be awesome to see the group again.  Plus, I'm wanting to get back into anime.  :)

Pondering a Few Other Things

It's occurred to me that if move my main desktop into my bedroom, there would be more space in the living room.  A TV could be set up for video games and movies.  From there, other strategic rearrangement could take place in order to eventually acquire a couch that's in good condition (preferably for free).

Who knows, that table could even be replaced with a coffee table after that large old school TV goes bye bye.

Such a rearrangement would take place slowly but surely.  In other words, one piece at a time.  Shifting gears a bit, I looked at my paystub online.  Needless to say, I'm glad New Year's Day qualifies as a holiday where I work.

Extra money always helps.

I'm going to be more prudent with this week's pay.  After all, there's an opportunity to catch up on a couple of things.  I also plan on working on my website some more.  Perhaps a test podcast can be recorded so I can make sure the podcasting plugin is working properly.  Now that would be cool.  :)

I better get this posted, so I can go to bed soon.  I plan on hanging out with a couple of friends.  It's been too long since I've done that.

(...and I have laundry and some more cleanup at home to do.....)

I have a good feeling about this week.  :)