Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We all hear about starting the new year off right by making resolutions to improve ourselves.  I have some resolutions of my own, but not all of them are of the staple variety that are used each year.  The one thing that needs to be done when the new year begins is to simply live.

With that said, I resolve to:

  • Take better care of my health by exercising more, and when the weather is not as wintery, walking to work.
  • Be more frugal.
  • Love myself for who I am.
That's it.  It's that simple for me.  There are other things that I'll address as the year progresses, but I can say this much.

I have no plans to attend any conventions this year unless success and/or great fortune comes my way.  With the economy still being as uncertain as it is even with the so called "fiscal cliff package,"  it's important for me to take care of my own house so to speak.

This is true no matter what the House vote is.

I'm also going to accept myself for who I am.

That is all.