Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Damndest Thing: A Retail Story

What? Another blog post? Is it a miracle? Actually, an event happened before lunch at work that I wanted to relay to my entire audience. So what happened?

Work started off uneventful enough. Registers were getting cleaned, impulse items were being organized, and I was busy doing what I could to stay awake. Weekends ending are always a struggle, but since when hasn't that been the case for a lot of this country's workforce? One sign that this was not going to be an ordinary night was the fact that since state tax on tobacco products was not being charged, we couldn't legally sell them.

The glitch has not been fixed as of yet.

Here's where things get weird. A red head comes through my line. I've seen her in the store and around town before. The conversation was strange to say the least.

Me: Long time no see.
Her: That's because I don't like you.
Me: Let me ring this stuff up as fast as I can so you won't have to deal with me.
Her: I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'm prickly like that. I don't appreciate how.... (trails off)

One thing's for sure. I appreciated her honesty. Sometimes two people's personalities clash and they are better off not associating with one another. In that area, I will go above and beyond.

When I get home, said individual will be blocked on Facebook if they haven't blocked me first. That way, she won't have to deal with me ever again; at least not on that site.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

To My Friends

Outside of family, friends are an important influence in one's life.  After all, how else are cool things such as Dr. Who and TNA Wrestling discovered other than stumbling upon them by accident?  Friends can show you things you've never even heard of.  They can also be a part of that extended family that cheers you on when you triumph and lends a sympathetic ear when you're not at your best.

In order to fully understand this blog post, you may want to read this one and this one.  Long story short, I was in a relationship with a wonderful lady for four months.  She wants to eventually settle down, get married, and start a family.  Since being a parent is not what I envisioned my future to be, I had to break it off.  Soon after, I made the one mistake that I'll hopefully never repeat.

I went back onto a couple of popular free dating sites to see if I could find that special someone.  I came up short.  I finally realized that the dating scene wasn't for me at all.  I need to work on me first and foremost before I began that ever elusive search for that special someone; that final corner piece to the jigsaw puzzle known as my life so to speak.

The Epiphany

A friend of mine treated me to lunch not too long ago.  He could tell that I was not in good spirits, so he used that opportunity to get me out of the apartment so he could lend a sympathetic ear over some good Chinese food (on a side note, if that "lady" working at King Chef ever yells at fellow workers in front of customers again, they may lose my business for a while... that happened yesterday).  It was a good start to my weekend, despite me being down in the dumps.

The next day, I woke up late that afternoon and decided to basically have the day to myself.  I went to Copper Coyote to see if their food was any good (it was).  I also treated myself to some Dairy Queen and watched The Amazing Spiderman in the local theater with another friend of mine.  I ended the night with a light meal and some Boone's Farm wine.

 When last Thursday rolled around, I had realized that I was screwing up in terms of searching for somebody new.  I was putting the cart before the horse so to speak.  Before dating again, I need to enjoy my life as I see fit.  There's some things I want to accomplish (like getting my website off the ground yet again).  An image shared by a friend on Facebook helped me to come to this realization that I was doing it all wrong.

In essence, my previous post was my way of saying that there was a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.  In other words, I learned something about myself; a lesson I'll hopefully never forget.  If I do, there will be plenty of reminders.

Addressing Concerns

To the person who was concerned about me and whether I was being honest with myself or not, I thank you.  To all of my friends, thank you for being there for me.  I know many of us have new lives that prevent us from spending as much time with one another as we may want, but the fact that we can still reach each other is one of the coolest things of our time.  We have various social networks online we can use to talk to each other and share things with.

While I do appreciate any concerns about my own mental/emotional wellbeing, I would like to assure you of one thing.

I'm fine.

With me, time is a great method of healing.  I'm not talking about waiting things out per se.  Talking about something over and over again can only do so much in terms of moving on with one's life.  Sometimes doing something we enjoy can pass the time long enough that whatever has us frustrated leaves our system.  Granted, other obstacles and challenges will undoubtedly head my way.

It's a bridge that I'll cross when I encounter it.

Clearing Up Misconceptions

First of all, I am an emotional person.  Emotions and feelings are a big part of my life.  So statements like, "We all have our bad days." or "That's everybody." aren't quite true.  I've developed a thicker skin over the years, but there are days where things still get to me.  Allow me to explain.

I am the type of person who has this never ending struggle with myself.  Whether you want to blame it on a Zodiac-based superstition (I'm a Pisces by the way) or something else, it's something that's been a part of my life for a long time.  There is this duality in me.  Sometimes I'm in a very cheerful mood, and sometimes not so much.  When I'm up, I'm up.  When I'm down, hoo boy!  Fortunately life experience has taught me and continues to teach me how to effectively channel my emotions into something useful.

After all, if I'm at work, I need to be working instead of bursting into tears in front of co-workers and customers.  When I'm at home, I use the opportunity to recharge so to speak.  Sometimes it involves leaving the apartment on a night out to myself or staying in and hibernating in my bedroom.

Quite a few things with me involves a delayed reaction.  For example, if I get sick, I don't know it until I'm right in the middle of illness.  For that reason, if I have to have a hardcore debate with myself on whether or not to call in to work, I decide to call in to work.  There was a time when I thought, "I just didn't get enough sleep, so I'll just call in one time and get rested up."  It turned out that I was under the weather and wouldn't have realized it were it not for my mom telling me how the color had come back in my face after not working two nights in a row.

Speaking of delayed reactions, if I'm sad I can't always talk it out or power right on through.  It takes time for it to leave my system.  I would know because I have tried in the past to talk it out and power on through only for my own emotions to catch up with me later.  That's the way I am.  I can make minor adjustments and tweak things to where it works a bit better and is more convenient.  However, I have to deal with my own feelings as they come.

There's a reason they say that time heals all wounds.  I'll add the caveat that not all things are healed in time, though time passing can be an effective treatment.  It's not about waiting it out.  It's about knowing when I'm ready to move on.  Right now, I'm in a much better place mentally and emotionally.  I'm still in a recharge phase, but when that's done (and I have a feeling that it's coming very close to being done), watch out!  Good things are coming for me, because I'll be working for them.


I know some things written here may be taken the wrong way.  I understand.  The saying, "I'm responsible for what I say, not for what you understand." exists for a reason.  No, it doesn't mean the other person is stupid.  It means that we all interpret information differently.  A friend of mine took a previous blog post the wrong way and showed some concern.  I will appreciate that concern to the very end.  However, I'll be fine.  I've got things that I have to accomplish with a group of people who are fighting for the rights of people living in my county.  I also have a contested primary to win in August.  With that said, here we go!  XD

Thursday, July 12, 2012

From the Dark Crevices Comes Clarity

For reasons I won't go into at this time, I was in a dark place.  Granted, it wasn't as bad as in the past, but the feeling sucked all the same.  In a previous entry, I wrote about leaving the dating scene.  Well, my mind has this issue known as a delayed reaction.  Everything caught up with me Sunday morning before I fell asleep.

A few tears came out of my eyes.  I was still able to go to work that night and survived into Monday morning.  Anticipating that I was in a dark place, my friend Jason offered to have lunch with me.  I told him I would let him know.  Upon trying to take a nap, I was met with more sadness.  Streams of tears came out of my eyes.  Apparently enough negativity was in my system that it was due for a flushing or face the threat of backing up (also known as a nervous breakdown).  Fortunately, I was in the flushing phase.

After having lunch at King Chef, I took my friend back home.  Due to the fact that I was not in a good place so to speak, lunch was on him.  He knew that I needed somebody to talk to, and talk to him I did. I also talked to my mom that day.  You see, I had picked one hell of a time to feel that way.  I was due at the city council meeting at 7 PM CST to request a response regarding a request to allow the citizens of Warrensburg to petition initiatives themselves instead of relying on election cycles to change the direction of the entire city.

Despite my realizing that feeling like there was nobody for me was a feeling that I loathed, I was able to pull myself together thanks to Jason and my mom so that I could speak to the city council.  On Tuesday, I enjoyed food at the Copper Cyote (that's what others get for complaining about their controversial sign), dessert at Dairy Queen, and watched the Amazing Spiderman.  I ended my night with a trip to Boone's Farm.

So apparently I've gotten to the point that the darkness inside of me is almost totally gone.  I saw the following image posted on a friend's Facebook timeline.  Read it below, because it will reveal what I've been looking for in a significant other all along.

After reading that image, I had an epiphany.  Someone to wake up next to, to eat breakfast (or other meal) with, etc.  Someone to share things with was vague as all let out.  What about something more specific?  Specific as in someone who completes me?  At the moment, I still feel like a puzzle that's only half way complete.  The other pieces are missing, and they are pieces that I can't find on my own.  Nobody can help me find them.  I have to let the pieces find me.  So what are they?

  • Willingness to wake up next to me every day (or night depending on the situation), to eat together, play together, and live together.
  • Acceptance of me as a person along with my acceptance of her (whomever that may turn out to be) as a person.
  • Understanding that I have no intention of becoming a father; I do not want children.  If a potential other wants children, then it's not meant to be.
Combine those pieces with the text in the image above, and you'll have a more complete picture of what I am wanting in a soul mate.  I do believe that a soul mate exists for me, but I can't find one right now.  It's not my time yet.  I also can't keep doing this to myself regarding the dating scene.  Why?

Whether the other person gets annoyed, creeped out, or even hurt would pale in comparison to the fact that I usually hurt myself the most.  I'm tired of that feeling.  The good news is that I can truly begin to let go now and move on with my life.