Saturday, January 12, 2013

Yay Saturday.

I was moving much better at work than I have been in quite some time.  It's like this lead weight was taken from my legs and my speed improved drastically.  It sort of reminds me of Rock Lee from Naruto when his weights are removed from his legs while fighting Gaara.

What a world of difference it makes

Hopefully, I'll get to a point of feeling even more amazing in the near future.  My body's still adjusting, but I know it will get used to the changes I've made in due time.  In the meantime, I've got some things I want to talk about today.

Admiring the Work So Far

My website is nearly 100% complete.  I just have to figure out how to use the podcast plugin, and I'll be good to go.  I'd like to start doing a weekly podcast that would start out at half an hour or so.

It doesn't need to be overly exciting.  It just needs to mention the stuff that will be normally covered.  I'm also trying to decide what to do for this year's first issue of the digital magazine.

Just one step at a time.

Social Networking Non-Woes

In a prior entry, I noted that I was blocked on Facebook.  My curiosity screaming to scratch the itch of knowledge, I did some research and discovered this nifty tidbit.  It mostly relies on old conversations via chat/messaging, but one can find out if a person simply deleted/deactivated their account or if they simply blocked them.

Speaking of conversations, I took it upon myself to delete some old ones.  It's in the past after all, and I might as well free up my inbox  a bit.  While I'm at it, I just might remove that Android Facebook Messenger App.  It's been a bit buggy.

For example, it doesn't always have the most up to date profile pictures of other Facebook users.  That can create an awkward situation when one decides to message another about that My Lil' Pony avatar when it might not be that person's latest profile pic.

Oh, the app apparently listed a person who I suspected had blocked me as "Facebook User" and being "online."  That was a big giant fail on Facebook's part.

And yes, I submitted a bug report.  I'm not the type of guy that would take advantage of such a bug, but others might.  Seeing as how the report was submitted several weeks ago, I'm going to make the dangerous assumption that the problem has been fixed by now.

Either way, I may just remove the app as the Facebook app itself has improved its messaging feature.  A standalone app just for chatting doesn't sound necessary at this point.


I get to look forward to the first paycheck of the year that doesn't involve paying rent.  I'll get to see how much it dwindles down to after the Social Security Tax has been brought back up.  I'm also going to find out how much I'll need to budget towards car insurance this year.

I should be finding out in a matter of days.

Even more good news.  I'm going to do the wisest thing with my tax return ever.  One of my expired credit cards is going to be paid off in full.  2013 is the year in which I will work towards eliminating personal debt.  I may not get it all this year, but I will make the best attempt that I ever have.

With that said, time for bed.  Have a wonderful day, everybody.