Thursday, March 7, 2013

One More Night....

Work went surprisingly well, thanks to a coworker from days and evenings.  They helped with the cleaning and got one side of the store finished.  That helped us get things done a little bit faster so that one of us from the front end could be used for other things throughout the store.

Sometimes, things just work themselves out for the best.

At the end of the shift, I got to tidy up frozen.  I don't mind doing it, because it gives me a break from the front end as well as help pass the time more quickly.  Unfortunately, I was asked to do so an hour before having to clock out.

Two isles in an hour is not realistic.

I simply did as much as I could, and clocked out when it was time to do so.

Tonight's Game Plan

Well, seeing as how my dad's coming to visit, I'll be going to bed as soon as I'm finished writing this.  I want to get a couple of things accomplished before he arrives, so plenty of sleep is a must.

As soon as I get up, I'll have a nice, simple first meal (breakfast in the evening) followed by a shower and getting dressed.  As I've done in the past several days, I'll bring my Acer Aspire One 722 netbook with me.

I've been using Xiphos to read a chapter of the King James Version of the Bible during my lunch break.  Think of Xiphos as a free and open source alternative to E-Sword.  I thought I was making great progress on the Book of Genesis, but it turns out that I have a long way to go.

I forgot that there's a total of 50 chapters, so I'm not quite half way there as I thought I was.

During lunch, I'll read yet another chapter.  The idea is to make it through both the Old and New Testament first, then go on to other texts from other groups, but I'll elaborate on that another day.

When I get home from work, I'll have some tidying up to do in order to prepare for my dad's arrival.  He did say he would be bringing a truck to haul whatever he got for me up to Missouri.

I don't know what it is, but it's got my interest piqued.


I began doing this personal blog again, because I wanted to have an outlet for my life.  You, my readers, are not only my audience.  You're all my therapists in a way.  Even when there aren't any comments on an entry, there are page views, and for that, I thank you.

It's good to know that others are willing to hear me out.

With that said, think of it as a behind the scenes look to what I'm doing in life.  This website is one that I've built up, torn down, and rebuilt over and over again.  I went back to e107 due to familiarity and flexibility.

One of the recent things that I did was start a podcast directly on the website.  Steve Kelley and myself have explored a few topics just to start things out.  When our next episode hits the RSS feed, you'll begin to see what is meant by the portion of the tag line that says, "Overlooked Pop Culture."

A hint: The topic will involve something that is profound today, yet it's been overlooked for over 60 years.

While that marinades in your mind, I shall now go to bed.  Have a good day, everybody, and may the sun shine bright enough to melt all that snow away.  :)