Friday, February 22, 2013

Digging Out of the Snow Hole Part Deux.

Well, I was successful in moving my car to a spot where snow has less occupancy.  I should be able to get to work tonight safely if I'm careful.  After using the shovel to move snow to a better place, I came to realize something important.

I made the right call yesterday.

Upon reading a status update from Warrensburg, Missouri's official Facebook page, I began debating whether I should call in or not.  After a couple of hours of deliberation and trying to go to sleep, I went ahead and did so.  More snow came later that night.

I wouldn't have had enough time to shovel the snow away so I could drive to work.  Hopefully the road crews will be able to clear some streets for safe travel.

Digging Out of the Snow Hole.

Well, today is going to be interesting.  I did call in yesterday, because I prefer to be safe as opposed to being sorry.  Recklessness in 2007 is what caused a broken limb, and I had no intention on having a repeat of that.

Today, the snow has stopped.  That means I'll have to shovel some snow away from the car after I get something to eat.  I figure I'll only need to move enough snow to move forward.  Hopefully, the car won't get stuck.

If I'm lucky, Business 50 will be cleared up enough to go down the hill.

If it isn't, I'll have to find another way to work (maybe take the other road to 13).  No matter what, I'll have to contend with some hills.  I missed one night of work, and if I can help it, that will be the only night this week.

The sun appears to be trying to shine through the clouds.  Let's hope enough of the snow begins to melt to allow traveling to work.

I might return for another post in a couple of hours depending on how I feel.  Wish me luck.