Thursday, March 22, 2012

Making a Choice: Walking to and From Work

Last night, my car refused to start.  It's one of those strange things where if I waited long enough, the engine would have received the spark and the engine would have turned.  Thanks to the current room mate, I was able to get a ride to work.  I found out that it took me 48 minutes to walk home.  So I need to leave about an hour and a half for now in order to be able to walk to work.  Yes, I have decided to give walking to work a go.  Not only will I be in better shape, but I'll save some gas as well.

In the meantime, I'm going to have to wait to show all of you the cheap way to make ramen.  I'll give you a hint.  It involves a hot pot, a big enough bowl, and something to cover the bowl with.  My method of cooking ramen is more convenient and will save you more electricity.  I also did another round of laundry, so I should be good until next Wednesday.  While doing laundry, I worked on the main publication from my website a bit more.

Well, that's all for now.  I hope you all have a great afternoon.  See you later, world.  ;)