Sunday, February 24, 2013

Holy Strain, Biceps!

I did it.  It hurt, but I succeeded.  The repetitions with the 10 lbs dumb bell has been increased to 45.  I have also modified how I do push ups off the wall.  I do a set of 16, wait about 20 seconds to cool down, and do another set of 16 for a total of 32 push ups off the wall.

A week from this Wednesday, I'll be at 50 reps with the dumb bell and two sets of 18 push ups off the wall.

We're apparently suffering winter's last gasp.  Last week, there was a good amount of snow.  This week, there appears to be more of the same.  The same goes for the week after that.

Of course this shit happens as I'm about to turn 30.

I'll just have to play my cards carefully and hope that the weather people are wrong in their forecast.  At the very least, temperatures should be in the 30's (degrees that is), so that may prevent the new snow from sticking as effectively.

In the mean time, I'll continue my focus on weight training throughout the weeks until the weather becomes consistent enough for me to walk outside on a regular basis.  The plan is to eventually save gas by walking to and from work.

Some More Good News

A friend commented last week that it looked like I was losing weight.  Another friend of mine told me that I was looking good as of late.  One of my coworkers told me that whatever I was doing, it was working.

That means I must continue the path I've been traveling.

Remaining true to myself and living life as I see fit along with molding myself into what I want to be has been the goal that I've been seeking all along.  Progress has been made, but there's still much that has to be done.

One step at a time.  One step at a time.