Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Next Few Days

I'm keeping this short and to the point.  The next few days are going to be very important to me.  I have plenty that has to be done at the moment.  I have already finished one task and that's to ensure that I have clean pants for tonight, Wednesday night, and Thursday night.

Friday morning is when my vacation begins to celebrate my 30th birthday.

I'll try doing more laundry tomorrow morning in addition to some other maintenance related stuff at the apartment.  All of this preparation is for more than just my 30th birthday.

Turning 30 is quite a milestone, but there's something else that's going on here.  A phrase that started as a low hum in the deep crevices of my mind.  It's that very phrase that's began to get louder and louder as it moved to the forefront of my consciousness.

It's almost like I'm beginning to wake up from a long sleep of sorts.

Those two words are so important.  It signifies a moment in life that involves a change for the better.  Simply put....

It's time.