Thursday, August 11, 2011

Disagreements and Fairness

I'm awake, and still aware of my surroundings.  At the moment, I'm truly excited.  As you can read from the post on my website, I finally decided that enough was enough.  I realized that I wanted a place that I could call home. Where I'm at currently... I call temporary.  The building's old, falling apart, and being invaded by mold and other villains of good health and sanity.  The good news is that I'm going to be moving to my new place on September 1st.

In other words, I got the first apartment on the first try.  When I was given a brief tour, I was excited.  I loved what I saw.  The living room had a decent amount of space, the kitchen was a separate room entirely, and the two bedrooms had a size that was about equal to the one I will no longer sleep in due to mold growing on the wall.  Guess the paint that was covering it up is no longer as effective as it used to be.

I did the turnoff and transfer requests for the various utility companies while doing laundry today.  I have just a few weeks before getting moved, and I'm excited.  I have plenty of packing to do, and I intend to get some of it done before I go to sleep.  If I get it done ahead of time, I'll have less hassle on moving day.  At least I'll be able to pay my rent in town instead of mailing it.  That's the one thing I disagreed with the most about my current place.

Speaking of which...  I've begun to notice that when disagreements occur, no matter how minor or extreme, the phrase, "Get the other side of the story." follows.  It's been happening more and more.  I can understand why.  After all, people have been put away for crimes they never committed.  I just want to point out that there are also times when getting both sides of a given story isn't always useful.  Yes, responsibility should be applied to all parties whenever possible.  However, it can't always be spread evenly, depending on the actions of one, a few, or many.

Long story short... life isn't always even, balanced, and completely fair.  Legitimate gripes and concerns can easily be negated by abhorrent actions, especially when tempers are lost.  Allow me to give an example.  I follow The Saucy Skeptics, a blog written by two girls who identify themselves as Atheists.  The latest post shows support on the part of a lawsuit on the part of American Atheists regarding a piece of the World Trade Center that's shaped like a cross.

I can understand how a variety of people were lost on that fateful day in 2001.  What caught my eye was this little tidbit:

The cross has become a Christian icon. It has been blessed by so-called holy men a few times, and presented as a reminder that God, in his infinite power of goodness, who couldn’t be bothered to stop the Muslim terrorists, or stop the fire, or hold up the buildings to stop 3000 people from being crushed, cared enough to bestow upon us some rubble that resembles a cross. Ridiculous.
The reason why Jon Stewart made fun of the situation was because of the words above in bold.  Of course it was quoted differently by Fox News, which everybody should take with a grain of salt.  In the closing of the statement by American Atheists, they did call for equality and for all viewpoints to be represented.  There has been discrimination against those who are not Christian, and there most certainly has been violence against them as well.  Opening one's proverbial mouth and inserting their foot is not the best way to convey a message and will only serve to upset those who were on the fence as well as those who disagree about the whole situation.  That's the price of not thinking things through before performing an action or series of actions.

Those words, in my view at least, negated the intended message.  After all, how many Muslims would consider the so called hijackers, whether they actually were on those planes or not, true Muslims?  I'm guessing not all of them.  I'm sure plenty of Muslims would have been offended by that statement.  Personally, I believe the piece of rubble should be used an opportunity to educate about different beliefs instead of hidden away from everyone else.  All the talk about equality is damaged with careless statements like the one I quoted above, and will only serve to hinder support for Atheism to exist.

They certainly have the right sue.  They have a right for their voices to be heard, but they had the responsibility to use their heads to think before they had that statement published.  I know what's it like to be criticized for not being a Christian.  I get it.  However, I also understand that the best way to have a discussion with those who disagree with you is to not come off as a jerk or an extremist.

All that said, I do get it.  Conflicts do occur, but one can not always evenly divide blame and responsibility.  Things aren't always fair, for there are times that legitimate gripes and complaints do not justify certain actions in response, especially if it's violent (accidental or not).  I'm not saying that complaints and gripes are over-written forever, but is it really worth it to slam your first into a wall in anger when it could cause property damage, cause another person to be scared for their life, and potentially result in monetary loss or is it better to simply use your voice and explain why you have a problem in the first place?  Frustration is easily understood, but it doesn't always justify violent reactions, especially if it turns out to be assault.

Now I'm not saying that reactions are never provoked.  They most certainly are and will continue to be so long as civilization exists.  It is important to recognize our own internal biases and realize, "Hey!  Maybe there comes a point when somebody's words aren't as important as their actions."  Anybody can have enough charisma to come up with any explanation and make it sound plausible.  Subtle details though can be conveniently left out, such as having one's name on certain accounts while the other person handed over cash. The claim could be made that the other person wasn't paying their fair share of the bills, and there most certainly are times when that does truly occur.  What about the person who handed over some cash to pay for half the bill?  Cash isn't easily traceable, except by the Federal Government (and even then, it can be quite the hassle).  All one would have to say is that they were taking care of the bills, and a witness would see the bill in their name only.

In other words, when splitting the cost of anything, have the names of all parties be a part of the paper trail.  It'll mitigate a lot of headaches later on.

I know I've been rambling.  On and on I go.  It's just sometimes we can't always make things completely fair... at least until enough time has passed, the dust has settled, and cooler heads prevail.  Violence is never a good solution, unless it's in self defense (and even then, it's best to end things as quickly as possible to minimize damage).  The reason for all of this is that life in general is just not fair.  There's supposed to be challenges as well as lessons to learn.  The lesson for this post is simple.  Before entering into any form of agreement, venture, contract, etc... with anybody, all parties should really get to know each other beforehand so that boundaries can be set to minimize hazardous conflict.  If it turns out that there would be conflict on a long term basis, then going back to the drawing board should be in order.  In other words, think things through before making crucial decisions so as to avoid major headaches later on in life.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Missed Two Days.

Sorry about that everybody.  I slept quite a bit on Sunday, and then my weekend started yesterday morning.  Monday started off alright.  I actually drove Jason, a co-worker home, and we talked for a bit.  I then went home and took a nap.  I then got up, did one of my exercises, and played around with technology for a bit.  In the afternoon, I visited mom, and she and I talked until 11 PM!  I know!  It's a shock.  It feels good to visit family on occasion and see how they're doing.  I got a meal at Wendys, then I went back home to enjoy it before going back to bed.

Today, I plan on looking at a possible alternative to the current living quarters that I currently occupy.  If the room is big enough for me, I'll be all excited.  Otherwise, I'll have to pass.  I'm also going to have dinner with a couple of friends.  This should be interesting.  My day is going to be filled with excitement.  Woot.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Forgoing the Dishes for Now.

I waited too long to do laundry.  Then again, I keep underestimating how much energy it takes to make it through a full shift at work.  This is especially true for those working overnight.  Since I did laundry today, I'll do the dishes tomorrow.  On Monday, I'm thinking of doing a project or two.  :)

Dinner and Cleanup Before Bed.

Well, I don't normally do much of anything on Saturday, but some things just need to get done.

  • Laundry
  • Trash
  • Dishes
  • Some cleanup
Of course, I'll get something to eat first.  After all, gotta have my third meal of my "day."  Work was busy.  If I wasn't checking customers out at a register, I was cleaning or putting up back to school freight.  It's going to be a very interesting next couple of weeks as more of that merchandise comes in.  Since I had to come in late to cut overtime, things just seemed to speed up.  I know it's weird, but that's how it felt.

I'm also working on getting CentOS 6 working on my HP Mini 311.  Everything else seemed to work except for the wireless, so I'm just going to start over.  I'd rather not compile the appropriate files myself.  Perhaps by watching what repositories I use, I'll be more successful.  I didn't even bother trying to get the Nvidia drivers installed either.  I'll see what happens with the 64-bit edition.  I'm wanting to get my computer lab done soon so that I can begin utilizing it.

It's time to go.  I'm using a hotpot to boil water for some cheddar flavored ramen noodles.  I'll be eating that with some fish from a pouch.  It's quick and easy.  After that, laundry.  When I'm done with laundry, I'll do the dishes.  Then it's off to bed after that.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Last Night Was Brutal

One of our coworkers has been out sick, and another one of us was called to a different department.  That made for an interesting time at work.  Needless to say, I don't want to go anywhere at the moment.  I just want to get something to eat and go to bed.  Now to decide what to eat......

Ok, made an improvised dish that involves chili beans, a can of chicken breasts, and a few slices of pepper jack cheese.  It was edible, and I still have some room for desert.  After a long day, I think I've earned it.  The real challenge is going to be getting through tonight.  Since I have to cut overtime, I'll be able to clock in extra late, which is good.  This will mean that I can have an opportunity to relax and reflect on the last several hours.

I'll go ahead and be off to bed soon (after some sugary goodness to soothe my soul of course).

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Changing the Purpose of this Blog

I initially had this blog set up so that it could be syndicated by Atlas Media Online.  I figured I'd take the time to change the purpose of this particular blog.  Yes, I have a full blown website, but I didn't see the need to have a separate hosting package for personal blogging either.  I want to blog every day if I can, so starting today, I'll let everyone in on what my life's like.  Of course, I won't go into every single detail.

So what's been new with me?  I'm finally finished with college for a while.  Getting that degree in the mail felt so good as I finally finished something that I started.  It's starting to motivate me to finish more things that I start.  I'm also doing the adult thing and making sure expenses are taken care of.  I'm also trying to be a bit wiser with my money and am rediscovering cheap eating.

I'm also trying to make more friends and become more social outside of cyberspace.  Face to face interaction has so many positives to it.  Through face to face conversation, I can meet more people, and perhaps one of these days it could lead to opportunity.

Speaking of opportunity, I see a big one coming up for me.  I work full time in retail at night (graveyard).  I'm actually wanting to move up for the time being.  If I understand how retail works, then I can become better equipped for any business related task that I undertake.  I attended a leadership meeting at 6 PM CST today, and for some reason, a few things stuck out in my mind.

The previous night, when I first started my previous shift, a lady that I knew came through my line.  She told me that she was moving back to St. Louis.  It was an indication that a chapter of my life was closing and another one was beginning.  I tend to change my mind a lot on various things, so shouldn't it mean that I should be willing to change when need be?  That's what I realized after encountering her one last time.  I realized that I would never see her again, and the time for being with new people was now.

So what am I going to do to improve myself so that I can be more effective around people?  I figured out a few goals to keep in mind.

  • Make sure I make the evening meetings every night at my place of work: I know that there's a grace period for clocking in (which prevents over time anyway), but if I'm to succeed, I need to know what's going on with the company I work for.
  • Look customers in the eye more often: I need to physically see what I'm doing when it comes to giving change and other things, but I want them to know that I sincerely want to do my best to help them.
  • Start packing up things that I'm not using all that often and give some of it away/sell it:  Something tells me I won't be where I'm at forever, and I will have to eventually move.
  • Do something social at least once a week.
Well, I better bring this to a close for now so that I can get ready for work.  Have a good night everyone.