Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Blizzard Part Deux

I haven't opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony due to snow for the past several days.  As can be seen in the above picture, plenty of snow came last night.

It's a hell of a way to end my days of being a 20 something.

Hey look.  It's my car!  God apparently thought it was a meatball, so some Parmesan was added to it.

I remember the snow from 2011.  It was referred to as the Snowpacalypse.  Plenty of people had something to say about that event.  Some universities were apparently not aware of how people could actually be injured in hazardous weather.  I remember in 2007 how somebody actually fell and hurt themselves during the winter storm, because UCM did not have the foresight at the time to understand that people can in fact get hurt and possibly die.

In 2011, they had wised up and canceled classes for the safety of the students.

For some more fun, take a look at this video from the point of view of an ambulance driver.

...and the road has disappeared.  Thank God there is no yellow snow.

Unlike 2011, only a portion of the country is getting hit with this little blizzard.  After Colorado has suffered nature's wrath, Missouri's turn came up next.  I live in Warrensburg, and guess what?

Warrensburg was a part of the storm's bullseye.

The street is covered once again.  I'm glad I made a wise parking decision.

Last week, I called in Thursday, because it would not have been wise for me to deal with hills, snow, and ice at the same time while going to work at night.  I shoveled snow away from my car so I could move it to a better spot the next morning, and the rest of the week went off without a hitch.

At least I'm off tonight, so I'll hopefully be able to safely get to work tomorrow night.

My friend Jason lives around the corner from me (left turn).
The cool thing is that it is still snowing outside as I'm writing this.  Hopefully it will have slowed down enough Wednesday to where I can travel safely to work.  If I can't, I'll have to see who has four wheel drive and is willing to give myself and others a ride.  Otherwise, it will involve calling in to work again.

That is an option I don't wish to exercise again.

Then again, we might be able to make things up with some overtime.  After all, when the storm clears, we're going to have tons and tons of freight to put away.

For now, I shall watch the spectacle outside with amusement.